Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis can make you patient

Rheumatoid Arthritis is this mean and evil disease. But you can't hate it because hate only tears up the hater. Hate never hurts the target, so I learned a long time ago that forgiveness is the healthiest way to live. However, forgiving RA won't make it go away...

There is no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, no way to make it go away. People with chronic diseases become more and more patient because they have to wait forever for a cure. I know a lady who is very patient. It is polio that made her so.

I am learning patience. I am becoming more patient. And there are plenty of opportunities to exercise that patience muscle. For several months, my website has been progressing slowly... The RA keeps knocking me down; and I keep getting up.

Someday, it will be up and running. And let's hope some day I will be also.

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